Ciel Glue, a French artist currently residing in Portugal, specializes in collage-based artwork. His creative endeavors are notably influenced by his profound affinity for surfing and the ocean. The essence of his work revolves around the concept of timelessness, achieved through the strategic use of vintage imagery, which not only introduces an element of enjoyment but also conveys the idea that the allure of surfing remains eternal.

The foundation of Ciel Glue's artworks lies in the meticulous assembly of materials sourced from vintage magazines, old books, and novels—ranging from classics to the works of lesser-known authors, all interconnected by their thematic ties to the ocean. The artist also incorporates colored paper into his mixed-media collages. By reusing vintage materials, Ciel Glue not only crafts captivating pieces but also contributes to the ethos of sustainable home design.

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